Amistad inquebrantable: el viaje de un gato para encontrar la amistad con un gatito rescatado

While relaxing in her backyard, Jazmin Felder suddenly heard a faint meowing sound. Upon investigation, she stumbled upon a lost tabby cat and decided it was time to welcome another feline into her family.

According to Jazmine, she was brought up with the values of taking care of what life presents. Whenever a cat came to her doorstep, she gave them a home and showered them with love. One such cat was a tabby whom she took in, named Buddy, and made him feel comfortable. However, after a few days, Felder, who observed Buddy’s behavior, noticed that he wasn’t interested in playing or being around other cats, preferring to be alone even during nap time.

Felder had always thought that Buddy would remain a solitary feline, but everything changed when a new addition joined the family. About six months after Buddy’s arrival, a tiny, gray kitten named Hannah was left abandoned under a neighbor’s house. Jazmine, once again, found herself smitten with the young cat and decided to take her in. Despite already having five rescued cats, Felder didn’t mind adding another one to the mix.

As soon as Hannah arrived, Buddy’s demeanor completely transformed. Despite their contrasting personalities – with Buddy being more serious and reserved while Hannah was affectionate and outgoing – they quickly became the best of friends. “The moment we brought Hannah the kitten home, Buddy immediately came to see her,” the owner reminisces. “Previously a shy and introverted cat, meeting Hannah seemed to have changed his whole personality.” Nowadays, Buddy is always found by Hannah’s side, grooming, cuddling, and providing comfort to one another. Suffice it to say, the two felines have become practically inseparable.

The cats display more than just affection while grooming each other; they embrace and comfort one another. When friends and family visit, they often joke about wanting a love like Buddy and Hannah’s. According to Jazmine, the cats cuddle and hug because they truly care for one another. Buddy even prioritizes Hannah’s needs by giving her food before eating himself. They enjoy playing with cat toys together and racing up the stairs, with Buddy likely letting Hannah win. Felder believes their bond is genuine and heartwarming.

Besides Hannah, Buddy has also become friends with the other cats in the household. Felder is thrilled that her rescued felines have formed a joyful and harmonious family, sharing meals, engaging in playtime, and snuggling up for naps together. It’s heartwarming to see how cute they all are!

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